Reprint this article with permisson
of Web Design Firm Selection
By Merilee Kern, MBA
Because you're reading this article, it's presumably safe
to assume that you either have a Web site or are planning
to launch a Web site in the near future. Undeniably, the most
important decision that you made, or will make, relative to
your Internet presence is selecting the firm tasked with making
your vision a [virtual] reality. Throughout this ever so important
discussion, I will present a series of steps that may be employed
to ensure that the Web design firm selected for the original
launch, or relaunch, or your Web site(s) is absolutely, positively,
and unequivocally the right firm for you (caveat: as well
as one can make this determination in advance).
Inherent in the Web design firm selection process is the need
for a well thought out project Request For Proposal (RFP).
As an e-business practitioner, it's imperative for you to
start this process with a clear understanding not only of
the pending Web site's goals and objectives, but also of the
project scope as a whole. The process of developing your RFP,
whether it be for a new site design or redesign, will also
help you establish other important project parameters such
as desired features and functionality, technical considerations
and/or restrictions, timeline and, perhaps the most important
parameter, the budget. In addition, the RFP should clearly
convey exactly what type of information you are SEEKING from
the candidate firm, which will aid in your final selection
Upon completion of your RFP, many criterions for design firm
selection should automatically emerge by virtue of the features/functionality
desired as well as the ultimate goal of the site. For example,
if the ultimate goal of your site is to disseminate information
ala "brochureware," a firm who specializes in back-end programming
- often more pricey than a strictly graphic design firm -
need not be considered. Similarly, if an eCommerce-enabled
Web site either with our without integrated transaction processing
is desired, firms who have experience with and/or that specialize
in developing this more sophisticated environment should be
exclusively sought. The development of your RFP is the absolute
Step #1 in dictating exactly how to execute Step #2, as described
Step #2 entails establishing a set of minimum criteria that
each design firm must meet in order to be considered for inclusion
in the project bid process. While much of this criteria is
established through the above-described RFP development process
and is largely determined by the nature of the deliverable
sought, other criterions to include are those that will give
you a further comfort level with the firm, itself. A sample
list of minimum criterions might be as follows:
- Prior Development of multiple Web sites with similar
functionality to that needed/desired
- Through past experience, seemingly adept in those technologies
- Easily accessible portfolio of past design projects with
similar functionality to that needed/desired
- Current/past clientele in affiliated industries
- Demonstrated ability to establish creative and intuitive
graphical user interfaces
- Demonstrated experience developing Intranet / Extranet
- Impressive self-promotional Web site (intuitive and attractive
GUI, pages load quickly, etc.)
Once determined, this set of criteria should be used to facilitate
Step #3 - the inception of a "short list" of Web design firms
to whom you will shop your RFP for consideration in the bidding
process. Generally speaking, I recommend that the short list
contain no less than 3 potential candidate firms, and no more
than 6. Actually locating candidate firms that meet your specific
set of criterions can also be tricky business if you do not
have the proper resources at your disposal. Sure, tapping
the search engines is one way to go, but can be an arduous
process. A far more streamlined approach is to access those
sites that maintain a directory and/or an active network of
accomplished Web design firms, such as:
…just to name a few. Other sites, such as eConstructors
(www.econstructors) and NewMediary (www.newmediary.com) will
even allow you to post an RFP into their network for review
by design firms that may not make the short list of those
you will actively pursue, but feel that they can best meet
your project needs. All firms under consideration for the
short list should be fairly equitable in terms of field experience,
technical skill set and quality of work so that comparisons
made are apples-to-apples vs. apples-to-oranges.
Once you've done your homework and your short list of candidate
firms is in order, Step #4 is simply the function of submitting
your RFP to the appropriate firm contact. Assuming your RFP
has been properly designed with all requisite information
contained therein, Step #4 can remain a short and sweet email
transmission unless it's your general preference to speak
with the candidate firm in person and/or via telephone.
Step #5 is where the "fun" begins. Upon timely receipt, and
ONLY timely receipt, of all requested proposals, this step
entails the comprehensive review of the skills and abilities
of your short list of firms against one another relative to
the specific project at hand, as well as against the expanded
selection criteria you will need to establish to facilitate
final design firm selection. There are a number of ways to
go about the process of evaluating the hundreds of pages of
"I'm the firm for you" speak, but in my experience a "solution/selection
matrix" is the most effective and objective mechanism for
evaluations of this nature. Though a solution/selection matrix,
it's simply a matter of using the information provided in
the proposals and gathered through your research efforts to
score/rate each firm relative to your specific set of pre-determined
criterions. As indicated in the following example of a solution/selection
matrix with an expanded criteria set, the highest sum total
score determines which firm becomes the top candidate, and
so on. Do note that in conjunction with this quantitative
matrix process, it's imperative to check as many references
as possible to get a feel for how past and/or current clients
regard each firm. All else being equal (matrix scores, etc.),
such references, recommendations and testimonials may determine
which firm is actually awarded the project contract.
KEY: 5 = superior 1 = below average(high score
Firm Candidate #1
Firm Candidate #2
Firm Candidate #3
Firm Candidate #4
Responsiveness through RFP
Process |
Proposal's Adherence to RFP
Guidelines |
Proximity (availability for
on-site training) |
Back End Programming Sophistication |
Front End Interface/Branding
Talent |
Experience with Dynamic Publishing |
Emphasis on E-Commerce Solutions |
Affinity Industry Experience
Voluntary Provision of References |
Budgetary Inclusion of Hosting
Budgetary Inclusion of Banner
Ad Development |
Budgetary Inclusion of Search
Engine Submission |
Budgetary Inclusion of Staff
Training |
Ability to Meet Deadline |
Cost for project |
Intuition / "Gut Feel" |
Now that you've made it to Step #6, it's time to bite the
bullet and "officially" select the firm with the winning proposal
and bid. In the above matrix you'll note that project cost
is one of the many established criterions for project award,
as is recommended. Price, alone, should not dictate which
design firm is selected. As happens all too often, the low
cost leader based on this virtue, alone, is also the low quality
producer. Sometimes, you truly do get what you pay for.
Upon making your determination of the "winner," as well as
a back up contingency selection, you should be able to articulate
quite clearly to others (potentially decision makers) in your
company, as well as to those firms who did not win the award
in accordance with proper protocol, exactly why you selected
a given firm as your final choice. The following is an example
statement of fact as to why a "XYZ Company" Web design firm
had been chosen:
"Not only is XYZ Company the most cost-effective solution,
but their knowledge and implementation of advanced Web technologies,
coupled with their prior development of sites with similar
functionality to that required for our project, make them
uniquely qualified for the job. Additionally, XYZ Company's
close proximity to our location will facilitate enhanced communication
and training between their development staff and our site
If, for whatever reason, XYZ Company becomes unable to meet
our project specifications, ABC Company is selected as the
second choice for our "interactive agency of record." They,
too, are adept with the technologies required to meet our
needs, and have displayed a high level of professionalism
throughout this selection process. Their solution is marginally
more expensive than XYZ Company's solution, but still within
our targeted budget range."
So, now that your Web design firm has been selected, what's
the 7th, and final, step you ask? Well…just sit back, relax,
and enjoy the ensuing development process! Since you've clearly
done your homework through Steps 1-6, above, and have assuredly
selected a design firm that's perfectly suited for your company's
unique needs and business goals, your chances have been maximized
for not only a smooth development process, but also for a
deliverable that meets, and perhaps even exceeds, your expectations.
The selection of the right design firm can make you a star!
Due diligence is key.
Author's Note: The above process can also be employed
for smaller post-launch design and/or Web site feature/functionality
enhancement projects, as well as for any other projects that
necessitate the use of an outside 3rd party agency. The principals
and methodology described herein are sure to streamline the
selection process of getting from point A to point Z as efficiently
as possible, and with optimum results.
Merilee Kern has been marketing and publicizing multi-industry
B2B and B2C programs, products and services since 1994. Through
her boutique PR and MarComm Firm Kern Communications, Merilee
avails her industry-diverse clientele with a combination of
entrepreneurial creativity and a breadth of experience both
on and offline. She be reached through her Web site at www.kerncommunications.com.
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